Let the Redeemed of the Church RISE UP

2 Questions God has taught me to ask in challenges. What is it that is actually taking place Lord, What is the battle at hand? What is the position that you want me to take in this battle?

I had a dream March 10th while still in Mallorca, Spain. In the dream I saw the flags of many nations flying together and black birds were swirling all around them. I said in the dream, "God is giving us a prophetic picture of what is happening, we need to pray NOW" The dream went from light hearted to intense in a moment and there was an attack on our Nation that affected every single person. In the dream, I physically felt the impact of the attack hit me in the gut. 48 hours after the dream, we quickly had to leave Spain and come home.

In my time of Quarantine, I like many others have had many moments of seeking the Lord on what it is He is saying to us in this hour. Man does not have answers but God ALWAYS does and His desire is to give them to us. Jeremiah 33:3 is my favorite verse, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”

I believe that the battle at hand is demonic. I do not believe that the virus just happened. The enemy sent it and his plan is always the same....kill, steal and destroy.

The first thing I hear the Lord say is "CHURCH RISE UP"

This isn't a battle that will be won unless the church (believers) stand up and act like believers. Pray, read His word, seek His face, listen, watch, fast... whatever He says to do... do it! As the church we need each other. We each only hear in part and know in part. God created us that way on purpose so that we would come together to see the whole picture.

God reminded me of a word He gave me on New Years Eve 2010. The word was about increasing darkness in the years ahead. It was also about using and developing the gifts He has given us and standing in our place of authority as believers. He ended the word with this sentence. "your faithfulness in this will determine your victory ahead" Here's the good news!!! Yes there is Good news!
As we stand in the place God has designed for us to stand, Fully yielded and surrendered to Him, the church will move in her destiny following her beloved. The Harvest is ripe and is getting riper by the hour. Many will come to KNOW Him in this hour! Find us faithful Lord. We look forward to Your victory ahead!


We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.